Thursday, November 1, 2012

This is not a real update.

It's fake. No, really, it's just inappropriately short. It's getting late here in Florida, and I'm about ready to call it a night. However, I don't have internet at home right now, so I'm taking advantage of it while I can. That's why I'm going to keep this short and sweet!

So much has happened since my last post!

I found a roommate, and apartment, and moved into a new place that's about 5 minutes from campus. Perfect! We're taking a trip to ikea tomorrow morning to stock up. :)
Me and my roomie, Gaby. So thankful for her!

We went on a moonlight canoeing excursion. (complete with glowsticks tied to the front of the canoe!)

We had countless other events and dinners...
A freshmen dinner--what a great crowd!

I got to see my dear friend Amanda, twice!

And we had a fantastic halloween party with an excellent turn out!
I was Mary Poppins! Such fun.
The winners of our costume contests
Some of the delicious food our creative students made!

It was a wonderful night, and a good time was had by many. It's wonderfully encouraging that new students are still turning up to RUF events even though it's November already. What's more, I'm really starting to see and get to help my students really wrestle through who Jesus is and what the gospel means for their life. A college campus is an excellent place to really dive into some deep questions--if only I could make you a fly on the wall of our freshmen bible study. Today we got into a hefty discussion of prayer and whether prayer actually changes anything. That's just a sample of what I've been up to. Hopefully it won't be another month before I post again! Until then...

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