About Me

You know, I made this tab before I thought about how difficult it would be to put something in it. What on earth is there to say about me? There's not much you need to know, except that I, like so many other wonderful people on this earth, am here to show how good and necessary God is just as much as I can manage. Which I'll be the first to say is normally not very much! But I'm always looking for kindred spirits to join in the journey with me.

Other than that, I suppose you should know that I graduated from Samford University in May '11 with a degree in Biology. Then I went straight off to teach English in Spain for a year. Which is what most biology majors do, right? ;) So one school year was spent with 12-16 year olds in a school outside of Sevilla, Spain; a city I would recommend for a visit to anyone who can muster it. It's lovely. I've always loved working with students and I hope that I'll be doing that in some way for the rest of my life. For the next two years, that will take the form of being an intern for a college ministry in Tampa, Florida. Click on some other tabs and I'm sure you'll run into more about that.

One reason I love Sevilla: El Real Alcázar. [The royal palace! http://www.patronato-alcazarsevilla.es/]

One of my four classes--maybe the liveliest. Though it's a tough competition. 
I've always loved working with students and I hope that I'll be doing that in some way for the rest of my life. For the next two years, that will take the form of being an intern for a college ministry in Tampa, Florida. Click on some other tabs and I'm sure you'll run into more about that!

[Pictures of Tampa to come once I get there!]

Now for the "I like" section, just because I always love hearing what puts a spring in other peoples' steps too. Mine would include pizza, being surrounded by tall trees, childrens' books, squirrels, baking, chapstick, talking to pretty much anyone about pretty much anything, and almost anything that has both the colors blue and green involved. Last thing you should know: I'm incapable of typing anything in an informal setting without using an absolutely uncalled for amount of smiley faces. I've given up at changing this; it's just the way I cope with not being able to completely convey the emotion of speech in writing. So just bear with me. :) So there we have it--all about me. Whew! The end.

What generally happens when I see a squirrel: the illogical need to be as close as possible and take pictures

Some of the best pizza in Birmingham... 

Please feel free to email me anytime: katie.carroll@ruf.org.

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