Monday, May 14, 2012

Where I'm Headed


I'll be working with campus minister Jeff Lee at the University of South Florida.

The University of South Florida (USF) has over 29,000 undergraduate students and its main branch in tampa is the 8th largest single campus public university in the nation. IT SOUNDS SO HUGE! Another interesting fact: not many students live on campus currently. Though the university is now making it mandatory for new freshmen to live on campus if they're not living at home. So most students either live just outside of campus or commute in everyday; some students have quite a lengthy commute. For my fellow Birminghamians, it sounds a bit like a slightly bigger UAB. In fact, they have a big emphasis on research as well.

There's lots of opportunities for RUF at USF, because students are looking for something more than the typical commuter experience in college. Like students at any university, students are looking for friends, community, and to have fun when they're not busy studying! It can be harder to find that, though, on a campus where many people come in only for class and then head back home. RUF is a great place to meet friends, form community, get plugged in, and serve, so I'm wonderfully excited to head on down to Tampa.

I wonder if I'll find anyone who will use the word "y'all" quite as much as I do? In all seriousness, I've always heard that Florida is not the south, so I'm interested to discover just what that means.

Check out RUF at USF's website here:

As I learn more about Tampa and USF, I'll keep you updated. For now, go Bulls!

Why I want to be an RUF Intern

While at Samford, I loved RUF for too many reasons to name. My top two, though, would have to be 1) RUF’s consistent focus on the gospel, and 2) the fact that RUF was a group that would reject no one. I heard from many friends that RUF was the place that they finally found people who would love them with all of their faults. They could drop the excruciating chameleon game of trying to fit in and know that they would have someone to sit next to at large group.  
College is a hard time, when you’re starting from square one again. On one hand, it's kind of exciting--you've got a fresh start, and you can be anyone you want to be. You’re probably hoping to find a fabulous friend group, you might be rushing to join a greek organization, and you’re really shaping yourself whether you know it or not. Students are making decisions about what they’re going to value in their life—answering questions like: what’s going to be my main purpose when I wake up each morning? Is my ultimate goal just that I’ll be as happy and comfortable as I can be? Do I really believe all that stuff my parents taught me? Is going to church really important? RUF is a place in the middle of all of those questions of insecurity, looking for community, and finding meaning where the gospel comes first and foremost. Week after week, I would wander in stressed, lonely, frustrated, ecstatic…fill in the blank, and be reminded that Jesus is enough. And that my life has meaning because I’m living it for Him.
As an intern with RUF, I’m hoping to help students find community as they start this transitional stage of life. I’m hoping to point them to Christ, time and time again, as the only and perfect solution to the struggles we all face. In essence, I’ll get to do what I loved to do while I was studying at Samford, except this time I won’t be getting a biology degree in the meantime. I can focus all of my efforts into loving and reaching students for Christ. What a fantastic opportunity! I can’t imagine a job I’d rather apply for.